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Community Contributed Plugins
See all eleventy-plugin
packages on npm
. The rest have been added to this site by our community (and are listed in random order). Add your own!
- eleventy-i18n i18n for Eleventy: Enabling Website Translation mathieuprog
- @sardine/eleventy-plugin-tinyhtml An 11ty plugin to optimise HTML marabyte_
- eleventy-plugin-dart-sass Build, watch and template tags for Sass stylesheets via Dart Sass. Includes CSS code splitting and source maps. chronotope
- eleventy-plugin-validate A plugin that enables you to validate the front matter data of collection items with Zod schemas. uncenter
- @pcdevil/eleventy-plugin-intl-utils a set of internationalization utils pcdevil
- @sardine/eleventy-plugin-tinycss An 11ty plugin to inline and optimise CSS marabyte_
- eleventy-plugin-i18n-gettext adds i18n support with Gettext string translation and moment.js date and times localization. sgissinger
- eleventy-plugin-poison Poison your content against AI scrapers. gingerchew
- @grimlink/eleventy-plugin-lucide-icons This Eleventy plugin enables the inclusion of lucide-icons as inline SVG elements grimlink
- eleventy-plugin-page-assets Automatically copy images and assets relative to a template to /dist folder and rewrite paths to hashes (Similar to webpack html-loader, or Hexo Post Asset)
- @11tyrocks/eleventy-plugin-emoji-readtime provides a configurable filter to display an estimated read time for Eleventy content, optionally with an emoji visual indicator. 5t3ph
- @mightyplow/eleventy-plugin-cache-buster will add content hashes to JavaScript and CSS resources. mightyplow
- eleventy-plugin-feathericons Shortcode, allows feather-icons to be embedded as inline svg into templates. reatlat
- eleventy-plugin-mathjax A plugin for rendering math equations using MathJax.
- eleventy-plugin-mtos A plugin for Eleventy that turns your site into a single page application. satireven
- @quasibit/eleventy-plugin-schema adds a shortcode for generating JSON-LD structured data. nunof07
- eleventy-plugin-postcss Easy to use modern Eleventy plugin for PostCSS prepreprocessor
- eleventy-postcss-extension Add CSS processing with PostCSS to your Eleventy build.
- eleventy-sass Yet another Sass/SCSS plugin for Eleventy kentaroi
- eleventy-plugin-recent-changes will generate a collection containing your recent commit history. defaced
- eleventy-plugin-og-image Generate OG images from your templates, data and CSS. Fast and reproducible β no need for a headless browser. KiwiKilian
- markdown-it-eleventy-img A markdown-it plugin that process images through the eleventy-img plugin. Can be used in any projects that use markdown-it. Fully compatible with Eleventy! @huot_mathieu
- eleventy-plugin-images-responsiver allows authors to use the simple and standard Markdown syntax for images and yet get responsive images in the generated HTML, with srcset and sizes attributes. nhoizey
- eleventy-plugin-responsive-images adds a shortcode to take care of the
attribute for responsive images via Cloudinary and all otherimg
attributes. adamculpepper - eleventy-plugin-sharp will add the full power of Sharp's image processing to your templates. luwes
- eleventy-plugin-code-style-hooks Syntax highlighter supporting CSS colour previews in all template languages with no client side JS. jkc_codes
- eleventy-plugin-emoji An accessible emoji shortcode and filter for your Eleventy projects snmcp
- @resoc/eleventy-plugin-social-image adds automated social images based on HTML & CSS templates and generated at access time by a Netlify on-demand builder ph_bernard
- eleventy-critical-css extracts and inlines critical CSS from your HTML templates gregiv_es
- eleventy-plugin-json-feed adds a Nunjucks shortcode for outputting a JSON feed. genehack
- eleventy-plugin-sharp-respfigure will perform build-time image transformations with Sharp and generate responsive image markup inside <figure> tags. tannerdolby
- eleventy-plugin-cloudinary adds a universal shortcode allowing you to add images from your cloudinary account. juanfernandes
- @quasibit/eleventy-plugin-sitemap adds a shortcode for generating a sitemap. nunof07
- eleventy-plugin-footnotes will help rendering accessible footnotes with Liquid. KittyGiraudel
- @silexlabs/eleventy-plugin-directus Expose Directus collections as global data in 11ty lexoyo
- eleventy-img-helper Adds responsive images to any template's output using eleventy-img, configurable with CSS selectors. AlexDueppen
- eleventy-favicon Generates your favicon files and declarations from a single image source atomrc
- eleventy-plugin-git-commit-date to get recent Git commit time of a file, or an Eleventy collection. saneef
- eleventy-plugin-webmentions A plugin for eleventy to fetch and filter webmentions from Webmention.io. CodeFoodPixels
- eleventy-filter-npm-package-downloads will show you the number of downloads for the given npm package. AndreJaenisch
- @sardine/eleventy-plugin-tinysvg An 11ty plugin to minify and optimise SVG marabyte_
- eleventy-plugin-heroicons Shortcodes to add Heroicons to your Eleventy projects snmcp
- eleventy-hast-jsx use JSX as a template language jed_fox1
- eleventy-plugin-robotstxt Generate a robots.txt file for your Eleventy site. hovhaDovah
- eleventy-plugin-hubspot will generate HubSpot forms or meeting calendars. reatlat
- eleventy-plugin-unified Use the unified ecosystem in Eleventy with remark and rehype. NickColley
- @chrisburnell/eleventy-cache-webmentions Cache webmentions using eleventy-cache-assets and make them available to use in collections, templates, pages, etc. iamchrisburnell
- eleventy-plugin-find A utility filter to find array members that match a set of rules, helpful for hoisting data from one template to another. ashur
- eleventy-plugin-sass will add the ability to use Sass for your stylesheets.
- @grimlink/eleventy-plugin-sass Simple 11ty config wrapper, for running Sass directly as custom template grimlink
- eleventy-plugin-social-img will generate social share images at build-time and return an image URL. tannerdolby
- eleventy-plugin-purgecss will remove unused CSS using PurgeCSS. proog
- @vidhill/fortawesome-free-regular-11ty-shortcode Shortcode, allows @fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons to be embedded as inline svg into templates.
- @kitschpatrol/eleventy-plugin-parcel Integrates the Parcel build tool and dev server with Eleventy. kitschpatrol
- eleventy-plugin-speculation-rules This plugin adds support for the Speculation Rules API, which allows defining rules by which certain URLs are dynamically prefetched or prerendered based on user interaction. reatlat
- eleventy-plugin-plausible Add the Plausible analytics script tag with a shortcode and remove some of the worry gingerchew
- eleventy-plugin-lazyimages will add progressive lazy loading to your images.
- eleventy-plugin-rollup Allows you to build js bundles directly from your templates using rollup. Snapstromegon
- eleventy-plugin-markdown-shortcode adds a universal shortcode to render markdown. tylerwilliamsct
- eleventy-plugin-future-post Allows you to set a future publishing date for one or more posts and not generate (publish) them until you build the site after the selected date. Based on the Eleventy Base Blog Drafts plugin. johnwargo
- eleventy-plugin-i18n will add a clever
universal filter to assist with internationalization and dictionary translations. duncanadam - eleventy-plugin-code-demo Add interactive HTML/CSS/JS code demos to an Eleventy site using Markdown code blocks. hovhaDovah
- eleventy-plugin-redirects Automatically generate a Netlify _redirects file, a Vercel vercel.json config file, or pages with client-side redirects from frontmatter aliases. @type__error
- eleventy-plugin-mastoarchive Create a global data object "mastodon" that contains all your public posts on Mastodon. declan_byrd
- eleventy-plugin-phosphoricons Shortcode, allows phosphor-icons to be embedded as inline svg into templates. reatlat
- eleventy-plugin-unfurl Unfurl links into rich 'cards', as seen in places like Slack and Twitter DavidDarnes
- eleventy-plugin-broken-links A plugin to check your build for broken external links and redirects bradleyburgess
- eleventy-plugin-embed-itch-io Creates embedded Itch.io widget for games from the game page url.
- eleventy-xml-plugin adds Liquid filters used for sitemap and RSS/feed file generation. jeremenichelli
- eleventy-plugin-post-stats Adds a post statistics collection to a site you can use to generate a table or graph of posts over time as well as average days between posts. johnwargo
- eleventy-plugin-asciidoc to add support for AsciiDoc files. saneef
- eleventy-plugin-backlinks Collect and display backlinks from your notes. binyamin
- eleventy-plugin-edit-on-github An Eleventy shortcode to add an "Edit on Github" link to your pages. christopherpickering
- eleventy-plugin-pwa-v2 generates PWA service worker using Google Workbox v6, compatible with Eleventy 2.0 and up lwojcik
- eleventy-plugin-ghost Access the Ghost Content API in Eleventy π» DavidDarnes
- eleventy-plugin-add-web-component-definitions will add Web Component definitions automatically, by reading custom tags from HTML pages. jdvivar
- eleventy-plugin-drawio embed diagrams.net (.drawio) diagrams in your pages kev4ev
- @sardine/eleventy-plugin-external-links An 11ty plugin to protect you external links. marabyte_
- @factorial/eleventy-plugin-fstack Linting, building and watching your assets with as little overhead and configuration as possible by integrating @factorial/stack-core dnnsjrng
- @aaashur/eleventy-plugin-add-remote-data Fetch remote data from one or more URLs and expose each response as an Eleventy global data variable ashur
- eleventy-njk-unpkg-inliner Inline npm modules from unpkg in Eleventy Nunjucks templates. jaredgorski
- @aaashur/eleventy-plugin-classnames Conditionally join class names using a filter or shortcode, inspired by the 'classnames' package by JedWatson ashur
- eleventy-plugin-social-share-card-generator Automagically creates a share card for social media platforms tpiros
- eleventy-plugin-helmet will manage your document head. vseventer
- eleventy-plugin-reading-time will generate a tag for the estimated reading time. johanbrook
- eleventy-plugin-pwa will generate a Service Worker for you. okitavera
- eleventy-plugin-target-safe Link tags with the target attribute may need a rel attribute. This plugin does that for you automatically. gingerchew
- @infinity-interactive/eleventy-plugin-injector allows you to run an arbitrary callback at build time or when using
genehack - eleventy-plugin-svg-sprite will compile a directory of SVG files into a single SVG sprite and install shortcodes to embed SVG sprite and SVG content Patrick153
- eleventy-plugin-sharp-respimg will perform build-time image transformations with Sharp and generate responsive image markup using <picture>. tannerdolby
- eleventy-plugin-babel Compiles JS with gulp-babel.
- eleventy-plugin-netlify-redirects Generate a Netlify _redirects file for your Eleventy site using front matter. hovhaDovah
- eleventy-multisite Add multi-site building support for Eleventy bnoctis
- @inframanufaktur/eleventy-plugin-clean-urls Removes those pesky
tracking params from all external links in your HTML. _ovlb - eleventy-plugin-tag-cloud Easily generate tag clouds to add a touch of Web 2.0 gingerchew
- eleventy-plugin-nesting-toc will generate a nested table of contents from your site's headings.
- eleventy-plugin-automatic-noopener Automatically add rel='noopener' attributes to unsafe <a>, <area> and <form> elements. jkc_codes
- @codegouvfr/eleventy-plugin-calendar A plugin for generating an ICS calendar and events directly from your post files. hjonin
- @fec/eleventy-plugin-remark Process Markdown files with Remark and use Remark plugins to add new features to your Markdown.
- eleventy-plugin-inline-link-favicon Add an inline favicon image to a link. bmuenzenmeyer
- @sardine/eleventy-plugin-code-highlighter An 11ty plugin to style your <code> with Prism.js marabyte_
- eleventy-plugin-gen-favicons From a single svg or image, generate "the ultimate favicon setup" with all six commonly used icons plus a webmanifest using 2022 best practices. njaldwin
- eleventy-plugin-metagen will generate metadata for Open Graph, Twitter card, generic meta tags and a canonical link. tannerdolby
- @orchidjs/eleventy-plugin-ids Add ids to html headings and other elements oyejorge
- eleventy-plugin-file-list An Eleventy Plugin that creates a collection containing metadata from a list of all files in a specified folder. johnwargo
- eleventy-plugin-react-ssr Write your static content using React SSR (JSX) and transform it using Babel @scinos
- eleventy-plugin-slide-decks π΅ It makes an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, web-component slide deck prezzy πΆ. ποΈ Write slide decks with 11ty and share them over the web π΄. @bp@bennypowers.dev
- eleventy-plugin-link_to a nunjucks tag to link to another internal content in Eleventy nhoizey
- wikity Wikitext as a templating language, with built-in Eleventy support. Nixinova
- eleventy-plugin-toc will generate a table of contents from your headings. jdsteinbach
- eleventy-plugin-html-validate Validate your site's HTML on build. mattatt4ck
- eleventy-plugin-vidyard generate embeds responsive Vidyard videos from share URLs. reatlat
- eleventy-plugin-reader-bar adds a reader bar as you scroll through the page. thigoap
- eleventy-plugin-vento adds support for the Vento templating language. noelforte
- eleventy-plugin-torchlight Plugin to syntax highlight your code blocks with torchlight.dev. timkley
- eleventy-plugin-shopify Import your Shopify products, pages, and collections into Eleventy as global data. danleatherman
- @shawnsandy/npm_info will provide you with package detail for an npm package or GitHub info.
- eleventy-load brings webpack-like loaders to Eleventy gregiv_es
eleventy-plugin-yamldatawill allow you to use a yaml file as local data file.This plugin has been superseded by Eleventy Custom Data Formats.- eleventy-plugin-respimg will take care of the
attribute for responsive images for you. etportis - eleventy-plugin-img2picture replaces <img> using <picture> with resized and optimized images. saneef
- @vidhill/fortawesome-brands-11ty-shortcode Shortcode, allows @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons to be embedded as inline svg into templates.
- eleventy-plugin-github-repos An Eleventy plugin that creates a collection of metadata from an account's GitHub repositories. johnwargo
- eleventy-plugin-icons A highly configurable plugin to use icons from any icon set you want. uncenter
- eleventy-plugin-embed-everything Automatically embed YouTube, Vimeo, Spotify, Twitter, and more, based on just their URLs. gfscott
- @tigersway/eleventy-plugin-ancestry Real hierarchical navigation, following folders and documents. tigerswaynet
- eleventy-plugin-time-to-read A reading time calculator supporting output in hundreds of languages. jkc_codes
- eleventy-plugin-atlasicons The shortcode enables the embedding of atlas-icons as inline SVG icons into templates. reatlat
- eleventy-plugin-typeset will make your typography nicer. johanbrook
- @code-blocks/eleventy-plugin Use markdown code blocks to render: charts, graphviz diagrams, MathML, music sheets, HTML tables and highlight code. idrismaps
- eleventy-plugin-plantuml allows processing of Plantuml markdown code blocks into beautiful diagrams awaragi
- eleventy-plugin-ignore Ignore templates based on their front matter. TheDocTrier
- @factorial/eleventy-plugin-twig Add Twig templating engine to Eleventy with the help of twig.js dnnsjrng
- eleventy-plugin-pdfembed A shortcode to simplify usage of Adobe's PDF Embed API raymondcamden
- eleventy-plugin-org Eleventy plugin to generate posts from org-mode files kijowski_dev
- eleventy-google-fonts A Nunjucks shortcode to optimize Google Fonts. This shortcode download and inline Google Font's CSS. takanorip
- eleventy-nbsp-filter Filter for Eleventy to replace spaces between words with characters. jeremenichelli
- eleventy-plugin-green-links Checks all links on a website and returns those which are hosted on verified green hosting providers from The Green Web Foundation's Green Web dataset. fershad
- eleventy-plugin-tailwindcss will add Tailwind CSS support for your website. dafiulh
- @myxotod/eleventy-plugin-furigana adds a filter to parse content for kanji followed by []-brackets containing hiragana and converts it to furigana myxotod
- eleventy-plugin-embedded-demos A plugin for eleventy that allows you to have embedded demos using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as having the code from those demos displayed in the page. CodeFoodPixels
- Add your own!