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Preprocessors Pre-release only: v3.0.0-alpha.17


The Preprocessor Configuration API allows you to intercept and modify the content in template files (not Layouts) before they’re processed and rendered by Eleventy.

Example: Drafts

Here’s an example that uses the Preprocessor API to implement a Drafts workflow:

export default function(eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addProcessor("drafts", "njk,md,liquid", (data, content) => {
// If `draft` is truthy in the template’s Data Cascade, ignore the file.
if(data.draft) {
return false;

// You can also modify the raw input of the template here too, be careful!
return `${content}<!-- Template file: {{ page.inputPath }} -->`;

// If you return nothing or `undefined`, no changes will be made to this template.
  • The first argument is an arbitrary name (String) used for error messaging.
  • The second argument can be:
    • a String of comma separated file extensions
    • an Array<String> of file extensions
  • Returning false will ignores the template in the same way as using eleventyConfig.ignores or .eleventyignore
  • Returning nothing or undefined has no effect (unlike Transforms)

Originally GitHub Issue #188.

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